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Male, 42 years, born on 19 July 1982

Considers offers

Minsk, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moscow, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, USA, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Estonia, South Korea), prepared for occasional business trips

Business Development Manager

2 600  in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 22 years 6 months

May 2020currently
4 years 11 months
EcoVtorSyrye, LLC


Business Services... Show more

Adjustment of processes of collecting, sorting and processing of recycable materials
April 2016March 2020
4 years

Minsk, bezopasno.by

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Managing director
25 people Sales of products and services for fire safety and security video main brands: world: Hikvision, Dahua, Bolid, Axis, Bosh, Siemens, Avigilion, CNB, Vivotec, Lapp Group Russian: Bolid, Rubezh, RVi, Sagittarius, IEK, Strazh, Parity, PozhTekhKabel, Veza Belarusian: Avangard, Novatekh, Alarm, Rovalent, Pharmtechservice, Spetsavtomatika, Technozashchita, Soyuzkabel, Beltelekabel Direct management of the sales department + coordination of the work of lawyers, logistics, marketing, accounting, warehouse, IT specialists, regional offices and representatives Interaction with suppliers, financial, insurance, consulting institutions, government agencies
May 2012January 2016
3 years 9 months


Oil and Gas... Show more

Head of sales
32 people Sales organization (administrative and executive level) paint products of its own production in the following segments (B2B): • Trade (DIY, dealers, retail customers, commissioners) • Construction • Industry (energy, petrochemicals, mining industry, wood, furniture.) • Transport sector (road, rail, air, sea transport) HR activities: • Management of the main unit and regional offices (32 people), • Employment, adaptation, training, evaluation, • Maintenance of corporate culture, internal communications, labor discipline; • Compensatory part. Strategic activities: • Diagnosis of the problem areas to adjust the business model; • Development and implement annual, monthly work plans; • Company's budget formation and controling of financial flows. Operational management: • Operational planning activity units; • Organization of effective interaction between company units and SD; • Coordination of the work of responsibilities between departments and employees; • Risk Management; • Organization of the efficient use of working capital,; • Monitoring of KPI, impact on their efficiency and effectiveness; • Optimization of sales costs and marketing services; • Optimization and deepening of business processes CRM system. Client work: • Definition, implementation, monitoring performance standards, approaches and mechanisms to work with distributors, customers, other; • Ongoing work to increase the customer conversion; • Forming mutually beneficial and cost-effective relationships; • Optimization of sales channels and contractual relationship; • Marketing activities, analysis of the effectiveness of actions carried out; • Interaction with the design, architecture, technology, expertise, contracting, licensing and supervising authorities, operating organizations; • Participation in exhibitions, festivals, seminars, trainings and presentations. Examples of participation in foreign investment projects: • China CAMC Engineering Co., LTD (Svetlogorsk Pulp and Paper Mill), • Chinese engineering Engineering Corporation (CMEC) (Berezovskaya, Lukoml hydroelectric station, factory for processing municipal waste Grodno) • CITIC Construction Co. (Krichev Cement and Slate Plant, construction of the plant "BelDzhi" (of Geely cars); modernization of the Orsha Linen Mill, Orsha); • JSC Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company “Atomenergoproekt” (Belarusian nuclear power plant, Ostrowiec); • LLC "Vesta" (Russian Federation) (minipolis Freckles, Kaluga).
January 2012May 2012
5 months
Danprod, JLLC

Belarus, danprod.by

Agriculture... Show more

Finance director
7 people Implementation of the project construction of the agro-industrial complex for the production of pork bacon: • Participation in the creation of a business plan; • Provide organizational processes; • Management of legal, accounting, supply, economic services (7 persons); • Obtaining permits, necessary conclusions; • Work on land allocation; • Interaction with state authorities (executive committees, sanitary station, MES, service organizations, etc.); • Preparation and maintenance of the investment agreement and other agreements; • Organization and management of financial and analytical reporting; • Optimization of financial and economic activity; • Negotiations with suppliers, contractors, designers and other organizations; • Interaction with the founders.
August 2009December 2011
2 years 5 months
Capital Construction Administration of Minsk Executive Committee, UE

Minsk, uks.by

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Head of Financel Department
5 people. • Organization of the work to ensure effective financial support of the processes of construction projects in Minsk; • Forecast of financial, business activities, financial analysis; • Financial administration, budgeting, optimizing cash flow, taxation, preparation and execution of estimates of revenue and expenditure control, analysis and optimization calculations; • Interaction with banks, non-banking institutions, insurance, leasing organizations, foreign exchange and credit operations; • Negotiations with US residents, Canada, Europe, China, the Russian Federation; • Optimization of receivables and payables, work with illiquid assets; • Work with investors; • Construction projects: The National Library, Football Manege, Belarusian State Circus, Complex "Minsk-Arena", Minsk Zoo, Hotel Europa, reconstruction of "Belexpo", houses, office buildings, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, sports and health centers in areas Sukharevo, Loshitsa, Malinovka, Druzhba, Kamenaya Gorka regions of Minsk city.
March 2007August 2009
2 years 6 months
Capital Construction Administration of Minsk Executive Committee, UE

Minsk, uks.by

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Deputy Head of the Planning and Economic Department
6 people • Economic analysis; • Improving performance, prevent losses, more efficient use of all resources; • Calculation of project cost; • Preparation of reports and records; • Pre-investment design, land acquisition; • Work with design and expert organizations; • Planning, budgeting; • Preparation of estimates of revenues and expenses; • Analysis and optimization calculations; • Maintenance of all stages of the investment; • Interaction with the administrative authorities, foreign partners, support and organization of the activities of contractors and suppliers) • Preparation of normative-legal acts.
August 2005March 2007
1 year 8 months
Financial department of Minsk City Executive Committee

Minsk, minsk.gov.by/ru/org/8631/

Government Organizations... Show more

Lead economist of financing of building complex
• Financial support for building complex in Minsk (including extra-budgetary sources); • Timely, targeted and effective use of the budget appropriations; • Interaction with banking, insurance, administrative bodies, • Analysis of financial and economic activity of municipal entities, audits of the organizations of contractors, customers on construction; • Analysis of the Budget on the execution of contracts; • Work with investors; • Administrative and business correspondence; • Preparation and analysis of budgets for capital investments; • Participation in the formation of legislation.
September 2003August 2005
2 years
Individual entrepreneur


Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Management of intercity passenger services in Belarus
October 2001July 2002
10 months
Target Group

USA, targetcorp.com

Retail... Show more

• Acceptance organization and display of goods; • Interaction with suppliers; • HR; • Optimization.
June 2001December 2001
7 months

USA, midins.com

Account manager
Implementation of client work insurance


Skill proficiency levels
Sales Management
Business Administration
Negotiation skills
Sales Skills
Project management
Sales Planning
Team management
Business Development

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Hobby: biking, scuba diving, hiking, yoga practice Personal qualities: commitment, high performance communication, strategic, flexiblity, creative approach, honesty, ability to work in a multi-tasking

Higher education

Management, Government and municipal management / economist manager



BelarusianB2 — Upper Intermediate

EnglishB1 — Intermediate

Professional development, courses

Capital, Business School
MarkSyst, Agency, Action-plan, designing, implementation
Belarussian center of Vipassana, Vipassana, 10 days + 3 days
Pro Retail, LCC, Customers relationships crisis management
Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur online courses, Testing of business ideas
Business negotiations - how to succeed
Business School XXI Century 21-Consult, Sales / specialist
Accounts receivable management
Business School XXI Century 21-Consult, Sales / specialist
Preparing and conducting presentations
Business School XXI Century 21-Consult, Sales / specialist
International Financial Reporting Standards
Belarusian State University / Institute of Continuing Education, Finance / specialist
Training of persons to carry out the state representative office in non-state legal management bodies, the action (share) in the statutory funds of which belong to the Republic of Belarus
Belarusian State Economic University, State property / certified specialist

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Belarus

Permission to work: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter