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Male, 43 years, born on 22 July 1981

Not looking for a job

Ulyanovsk, I want to relocate (Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Kazan, Canada, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Minsk, Moscow, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, USA, Samara, Saint Petersburg, Serbia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland), prepared for business trips

Administrative Director, Director of Operations

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule

Work experience 21 year 7 months

March 2019currently
6 years 1 month
TestGene Group
Deputy Director of Business Development
- Control over investment activity of the group (over 350 mln. Rub) invested 2019-2022, over 50 projects complete in Biotech (molecular genetics): * Develop and present annual investment budget aligned with the Group's strategy * Initiate and guide the process of approval of new investment projects by the Group's investment Committee. Create and review materials for the Investment Committee sessions * Coordinate project teams with regard to timeline and budget of the corresponding project. Initiate corrections to the project if necessary * Structure relationships with co-investors, lead the project team on the initial stage (legal, finance) to ensure optimal project frame and protection of shareholder's interests * Guide international activity of the Group including communication with potential partners and investors * Participate in the strategic planning of the Group (with regard to investment activity)
October 2016currently
8 years 6 months
Ulyanovsk Center for Technology Transfer (Ulnanotech)

Ulyanovsk, www.ulnanotech.com/en/

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more

Deputy CEO
My area of responsibility includes: • Control over the status of the projects currently running, providing guidance for project teams if needed; • Resolving issues arising in the course of project workflow; • Interaction with the HQ, providing reports, data upon requests, etc.; • Protecting Nanocenter's interests (as a participant of project companies/startups) ; • Monitor and evaluate projects looking for investment, prepare presentations for the Board of Directors; • Control over the back-office (accounting, finance, legal, HR); • Participating in deals structuring and creating of Investment Agreements; • Negotiation with potential investors, industrial partners, project teams. Being responsible for maintaining day-to-day communication with the project teams and ensuring their activity is fully aligned with the general strategy delivered by the shareholders, I have in-depth understanding, both from the technological and the business side, of the Nanocenter’s portfolio companies. Together with the Nanocenter’s management I work close with project teams to resolve the arising and potential issues and make sure the company’s operation is effective and the agreed milestones are passed in a timely manner. The total amount of investment portfolio managed by ULNANOTECH is around 1 bln. RUB. As a member of the Renewable Energy project team, I have taken active part in establishing a joint venture for localization of wind turbine blades production in the Ulyanovsk region with one of the world’s industry leaders. Together with my colleagues, I was in working close with the legal and finance teams of the partner structuring the deal and negotiating over its conditions in detail. As a result, the joint venture agreement has been signed in January 2018 with total amount of investment over 20 mln. Euro.
January 2007currently
18 years 3 months
Various projects
Freelance translator
Translation of various texts ENG-RUS, RUS-ENG (Area: IT, Telecommunications). Among the most significant projects - translation of a number of ITU-T (International Telecommunications Union) recomendations (order of Central Reserch Institution of Telecommunications, Russia).
February 2016October 2016
9 months
MZ, Inc., Russian Branch

Ulyanovsk, www.mz.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Director of Operations
Control over the Russian Branch of Machine Zone, Inc. (USA), Ulyanovsk and Novosibirsk offices. • Coordinated the process of establishing of the Russian Branch • Increased the cash-flow management by introducing a new financial planning procedure, interacted with financial and accounting teams (Russian and USA) • Provided guidance on the tax- and labor-related issues • Represented the Company in interaction with local authorities and regulators • Guided the operation of the Company's offices (supplies, labor protection, interaction with contractors) • Guided the hiring process for the Russian Branch
June 2007January 2016
8 years 8 months
TransTelecom, (DARS Telecom before M&A in 2011)

Ulyanovsk, ttk.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Head of Sales and Customer Service Department
• Member of the project team of the start-up company Dars Telecom - local telecommunications operator – since the project launch in 2007. • Initial responsibilities included project feasibility study preparation for the DARS Group Board of Directors. The project was approved for realization with a total investments amount of 150 mln. RUR (about 4.3 mln. EUR). Later on responsibilities included supervision of commercial (marketing, sales and customer service) and financial areas. • Took active part in M&A deals (purchase of 3 local telecom-companies). • In 2010 a successfull MVNO project was launched with SkyLink federal mobile operator. • As a result in 2011 Dars Telecom became one of the top 3 local telecommunication companies with subscriber base of more that 25 000. In 2012 the company was fully acquired by one of the largest national telecommunications operators (TransTelecom, 100% owned by Russian Railways). • Duties as a member of the M&A process included presentation of financial, sales and technical information about the company to the buyer, participation in negotiations concerning the company's evaluation along with operational deal follow-up from the beginning to the closure. • Upon the deal closure the new owner's representatives suggested that I should stay in the company on the position of Head of Sales and Customer Service Department, the offer was accepted.
July 2005June 2009
4 years
“Simplast”, LLC


FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

Head of Finance Department
Responsibilities: - Control over management accounting of the business - Control over cash flows and accounting - Evaluation of investment projects - Control over sales department, sales planning - Market monitoring, marketing activity planning
July 2004July 2005
1 year 1 month
“Polet Cargo Airlines”, CJSC

Ulyanovsk, polet.ru

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Operations manager
Responsibilities: - Requesting and obtaining of overflight and landing permissions from aviation authorities of various counties - Providing crews with housing and catering in the airports - Resolving issues with aviation authorities - Flight planning, providing crews with flight-related materials (computerized flight-plans, landing schemes, loading charts, cargo manifests, etc.) - Evaluation of flights offered by commercial department, route calculation and optimization Achievements: - Performed significant improvement of computerized flight-planning system used in the Company (Delphi-based platform) - Created software for operations manager’s working place (automatic message generation, control over actual arrival/departure time, statistical data analysis) - Organized financial planning of the department’s activity (Operations)
September 2003September 2004
1 year 1 month
“Vzlet-Invest”, LLC, “Vzlet” Group

Ulyanovsk, www.vzlet-group.ru/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Chief Specialist
Responsibilities: - Management accounting, data collection for further transfer to the Head Office of the Group for consolidation - Annual financial planning, operational control over financial activity of the business - Investment projects evaluation Achievements: - Developed and successfully implemented a typical spreadsheet-based form for express evaluation of investment projects - Presented a business-plan for an Automotive Center construction project, the project was later successfully completed


Skill proficiency levels
MS Excel
MS Project
Adobe Photoshop
MS Word
1C: Финансы
Analytical skills
Customer Service
Английский язык
Project management
MS PowerPoint
Ведение переговоров
MS Access
Управление персоналом
Деловая переписка
Start-up project
Written Translation
Business Planning
Time management
Marketing Analysis
Business English
Presentation skills
MS Outlook
Работа в команде
Обучение персонала

About me

“B”-category driver’s license, ready to use personal vehicle for business-related purposes.

Higher education

Faculty of Linguistics and International Cooperation, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Faculty of Management, Investment Management



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Air Traffic Planning Dispatcher Course
Head Center of Unified ATM System, Air Traffic Planning Dispatcher
Operations Manager Course
Ulyanovsk Higher School of Civil Aviation, Operations Manager (Aviation)
Project Expert 7.0
“PRO-Invest IT”, LLC, Project Expert 7.0 Qualified User

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter