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Male, 36 years, born on 23 November 1988

Not looking for a job

Krasnodar, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Ireland, Iceland, Canada, Cyprus, China, Moscow, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, USA, Saint Petersburg, Serbia, Singapore, Sochi, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Japan), prepared for business trips

Head of logistics (material management)

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 17 years

August 2014currently
10 years 8 months

Russia, www.peri.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Material FEA Manager
My responsibilities: - Optimization of warehouse stockyard - Increase of profitability and efficiency of the stock - FEA Logistics managment - Demand Planning - Order Management - Taking measures before inventory to facilitate the process - Taking part in inventory - Participate in the development and improvement of warehouse processes My achievments: - Successful implementation of the project for reducing of procurement costs of new material in 2015 year. - Participation in the development and implementation of guidelines for the management of complex projects - Managing big internatioan projects with delivery from different countries. Example: project of delivery scarfolding to Bangladesh from Germany, India and Malasiya for the constraction of the nuclear power plant in Roopoor.
October 2013May 2014
8 months
Olympic Broadcasting Services S.L.

Sochi, www.obs.tv/

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Asset manager
Working during the preparation, conduct and closure of Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Inventory, update hardware information (labeling, scanning, search, etc.). Assisting in the process of distribution, processing, testing, and moving equipment. Acceptance, consideration, moving television equipment, work in SAP.
April 2010September 2013
3 years 6 months
СJSC "Tander" (Retail Chain "Magnit")


Retail... Show more

warehouse logistics manager
Started in the company with the usual operator in the department of internal logistics, my duties included the processing and management reporting. One month later I was transferred to the position of the specialist for working with a customs broker, to the conduct of reports was added more work for Cooperation with the customs broker. After 2 months transferred to the position manager of distribution, the duty was to control the range and distribution of imported products (product groups - fresh) comes from the port of Novorossiysk on the transit warehouses, also interaction with the forwarder on the storage and export of goods. In November-December 2010 was sent on a mission to Novorossiysk, to guide the process distribution of the goods on the spot. After, at the fist of March 2011 was transferred from the department of internal logistics,to the Department of warehouse logistics, the position of manager of transit warehouses. Duties include: interaction with the hired warehouses and logistics operators, search and attraction transit warehouses in Russia and abroad, drafting and coordination of contracts, negotiations with the representatives hired warehouses and logistics providers, customs brokers, etc., control of shipment of the goods from distribution centers and the interaction with the Department of Transportation. Also in the New Year season provided the distribution and delivery of additional volumes of alcohol stored in the liquor warehouse in Moscow region.
March 2008December 2009
1 year 10 months
Shanhay Baostill Stroy


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

assistant director
Start up project, support at all stages of the opening company. Interaction with government officials on the functioning of the company, execution of commissions of superiors to organization of working process.
June 2007September 2007
4 months
Kent Security Services

Business Services... Show more

Security Officer
Worked as a security officer at the Marriott hotel on summer vacation, by the student program "Work and Travel"


Skill proficiency levels
International Logistics
Logistics Management
Order Management
Demand Planning
Warehouse Management

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Experience in logistics - 6 years. Knowledge of foreign languages​​. In-depth knowledge of information technology. Experience of working with foreigners. Experience of working abroad. Experience in the field of warehouse logistics and SAP data base.

Higher education

Institute of Economy, Low and natural sciences
Faculty of Oriental Studies, specialist



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Professional development, courses

Effective conflict resolution
Lico, Logistics
The 7 habits of highly effective people
Franklin Covey's institute, Logistics
Seminar on customer focus
LLC PERI, Logistics

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter